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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Creating Identity and Belonging

I have a vivid recollection of my first PTO meeting as the new MBS principal.  I was impressed with the size of the group, and the passion of the parents in attendance.  At that meeting, it became very clear to me that the transition to MBS is a BIG deal for children and families in our community.  As I recall, one parent asked, "But who are we at Maletts Bay School?  We feel such a sense of belonging at Porter's and Union, and then our kids come here and it is big... but it is not the middle or high school.  Who are we?"

As I've grown to know the school, I believe we are coming closer to an answer, an identity, and a sense of belonging.  We are the elementary school.  Porter's and Union are the primary schools - these smaller, more intimate settings allow young children and families to ease into the transition to public school.  As our students come together at Malletts Bay, they face the developmental challenges of this age group.  They make the normal transition from young children who seek to please adults to young students who are intensely aware of their peers.  They develop a sense of responsibility, and the self control to show respect toward others and interact in a manner that is both physically and emotionally safe.

In selecting the Osprey as their mascot, our MBS students chose wisely.  This week, we were treated to a very informative presentation by Steve Costello from Central Vermont Public Service.  CVPS has been instrumental in helping to create osprey nesting places, bringing this magnificent native bird back from the edge of extinction.  Our students learned that young ospreys must grow very quickly  - they grow from 2 oz. at birth to nearly their adult size in only 3 months!  Their adult wingspan is close to six feet!

So, too, our MBS Ospreys grow quickly.  They acquire the skills they will need to be productive, independent, and successful learners.  Our new logo, created by Deb Kehoe of Kehoe Design, shows a strong osprey soaring to success.  As our students grow in the three years of elementary school, we hope to build their identity and sense of belonging; their passion for learning; and their ability to stand up, speak out, and become active, involved learners.

Go Ospreys!

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